Its all coming together. My polaroids are framed (thankyou Max) and ready to go to Brighton for an exhibition starting 1st May (one month only) Unit B3 AOH.They look beautiful. Cyan / turquoise hues with dark chocolate frames.I'm not exhibiting to sell, although I will be selling prints.It's just nice to show stuff.
The animation is looking brilliant so far and i've just about finished the background quilt with bonkers trees.I have every faith in Greg that it will look amazing.
I have a long list of exciting stuff to design and make for Uneeka. Ideas are swimming around in my head. There will be some great tea-towels, fish, dolls....the list goes on.and thats exciting.
I spring cleaned the kitchen yesterday.And have bought miso soup because i'm embarking upon keeping healthy (no more crisps for dinner for me).wonder how long that will last.I did open up a massive packet of lemon grass prawn crackers whilst watching Desperate Housewives last night!
One week by the sea has totally re-energized me.I feel strong and happy.
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