My neglected blog...So much going on here lately. I'm finishing off orders so I can begin thinking about Christmas stock. Lauren from Uneeka asked me to make a fox so here he is. I'm quite pleased with him. The first one I made looked more like a crazy dog. Today I need to make some more boats.
Yesterday the primary school my daughter is at were getting rid of some furniture. Old School furniture. I'd already acquired two solid wood bookshelves a few months ago which I LOVE. But yesterday I could hardly contain my excitement when the caretaker showed me two chests of drawers with square drawers with old fashion handles and label slots. I can't describe how lovely they are. And they were free. I spent all day rearranging the furniture and I'll take a photo later to show...
My big girl LOVES High School :)
And yesterday I noticed that Autumn is in the air. My favourite season, longwalks and hot chocolate. The air seems different in lots of good ways. Soon the fair will be in town. And I look forward to the 4th October when my cousin Sylwia will arrive for a two week visit to help me with my Christmas stock :)
Going off on a tangent I have Iris at home today (she is 6) and she is watching Cinderella. She just came up to me horrified that the wicked witch said a swear word. I asked her what it was (surely there is no swearing in Cinderella). The reply? "Hell", and her face was a picture she was actually blushing from the embarassment of it all! I love this age. So sweet and innocent still...
Well better get out of my dressing gown. LOVE not doing the school run!