Sunday, 25 October 2009

Friday, 9 October 2009

I have Angels

Everyday someone pops round to help neighbour has my 6 year old over to play so I can work, my friends comes to help me sew, another friend will come and stuff, my mum will pick up the children from school and sort all of the washing piles...I am so lucky. We drink tea, eat biscuits and laugh...And here is what we made in the past week (with a lot of help from my cousin who is staying with me for 2 weeks)...only another 500 or so items left to go!
Nowadays I'm supplying Uneeka, Funky Olive and foufurnishings.
I am going to make sure a few of these items get to my shops Etsy and Folksy.

Friday, 2 October 2009