Things To Do, reminder to self...
2 fairies white
2 fairies turquoise
4 pairs of flower hairbands
1 mouse for a boy
4 commissions for someone else
2 corsages
10 russian dolls
10 lavender hearts
Things I would love to do but have no time:
More Photo's
Use my medium format and polaroid cameras
Bake more cake
be more organised
enjoy my family!
Today Ophelia competed in an Athletics competition. I am so proud of her. She is doing AMAZINGLY at school. Iris and I went to see A Christmas Carol with Mikka and Maiya. Poor Iris was terrified in parts (grim reaper + falling into a coffin scene) but we all really enjoyed it. I looked over at her in the Christmas Past scene, when Scrooge fell in love, and she looked SOOOOOOO HAPPY! She is such a romantic!
We came back home to find the butterfly we rescued still in our kitchen. Iris was so happy she now has a 'pet' and named it Gerta (unisex name apparently). We can't put it outside because it is raining so we fed it. See photos. And decided it can stay in our kitchen for the time being.
Other news:
In the school play this year Iris is a mouse!
I sold 3 robins on Etsy this week. and one Russian Doll (to a very nice polaroid enthusiast called Stefan who I met in Paris last year!)
Tod and Andrea are having a baby! Hooray!
I drank a bit too much mulled wine last night.
I have too much work to do.
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