These lavender ladies seem to be selling fast at Etsy...more to come. Each set will be one of a kind.
I've been feeling quite unmotivated lately.Still making things, but not as frantically as usual 2 weeks before a big fair.I'm very excited about cards...maybe thats why i've slowed down.Next week I am having 10 of my images litho printed onto card stock (approx.3000 cards), hoping to see the proof this week.I love to design and make but sometimes it is disheartening to sew for hours and earn less than the minimum wage...of course i don't do it for the money but would be nice...so cards are on their way and i'm hoping a few of the local shops buy and sell thousands because a week alone in the Maldives would be lovely...but for now I'll look forward to my oxygen facial in the morning... : )
These are lovely- no wonder they are selling fast! Good luck with the cards, too. Sometimes it is nice to let somebody else do the hard work while you do the fun creative part! I'm sure they will be beautiful!
Thankyou for your kind words...its nice to see I have the occassional visitor here and am not just talking to myself!!! : )
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